Commando Cadets Military Style Team Building
Improving self-esteem and confidence will help children make good life choices for their future!
Core Skills
We focus on team dynamics in our Commando Cadet sessions. This presents opportunity to positively challenge whilst stimulating children to think about their inner-self and consider how that what they say or do can impact positively or negatively on others.
Military Style Team Building
Through our Military Style Team Building sessions we reinforce positivity and a ‘can do attitude’ within students. Learning how to speak to each other confidently can break many personal boundaries whilst reinforcing confidence and self worth. Simple tasks such as helping their team move from A to B can help develop and nurture a more expressional personality and create success which helps to bond teams, in this case classes together.
Health & Fitness
Our health is our most important possession. Keeping active and consuming appropriate amounts of nutritious food and fluid is a vital component for optimum health and fitness, CC Instructors will reinforce this throughout fun learning.